Cookies are files or pieces of information that can be stored on your computer (or other Internet-compatible devices such as a smartphone or tablet) when you visit the Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow website, hereinafter referred to as MAMM. This type of file usually contains the name of the site from which it was obtained, the "lifetime" of the file (for example, how long it will remain on the device), and the code, which is usually a randomly generated unique number.
We use cookies to make the MAMM website easier to use, and we strive to adapt it to suit your interests and needs. Cookies can also be used to speed up your future work on our site. We also use cookies to compile anonymous information – aggregated statistical data that allows us to understand how people use our site in order to help us improve the data's structure and content. We cannot personally identify you based on this information.
We use two types of cookies on the MAMM website: "session cookies" and "persistent cookies". Session cookies are temporary files that remain on your device until you leave the MAMM website. Persistent cookies remain on your device for a long time or until you manually delete them (how long the cookie remains on your device will depend on the duration or "lifetime" of a particular file and your browser settings).
Some of the pages visited may also collect information using pixel tags (also called "clean drawings"), which can be shared with third parties who directly support our advertising activities and develop websites. For example, information about visitors to the MAMМ website can be shared with a third party, an advertising agency, to improve targeted banner advertising. However, this information is not suitable for identification purposes, although it may be related to your personal information.
We work with a number of third parties, whose cookies can also be installed on your computer on our behalf so that they can offer their services to you. For more information about these cookies, as well as information on how to opt out of receiving them, see the relevant sections.
When you visit the MAMM website, you may receive cookies from third-party websites or domains. We make every effort to identify these files before using them, so that you can decide whether you really want to accept them. More detailed information about these files may be available on the website of the relevant third party.
Most Internet browsers are initially configured to accept cookies automatically. You can change the settings in such a way as to block cookies or warn the user when files of this type will be sent to the device. There are several ways to manage cookies.
Please refer to the browser's instructions to learn more about how to adjust or change your browser settings. If you disable the cookies that we use, it may affect your online experience, while on the MAMM website you will not be able to visit some parts of this web resource, or you will not be able to receive personal information when you visit the MAMM website.
If you use various devices to view and access the MAMM website (for example, a computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), you must make sure that each browser on each device is configured according to your cookie settings.
Session / temporary files: these files will be deleted from your device after you leave the site. Persistent files / remaining ones: these files are not deleted from your device after you leave the site. They remain on the device for a long period of time.