Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow | Exhibitions | Gleb Kosorukov - Breakdance

Gleb Kosorukov

Gleb Kosorukov.
Assistant of the photographer: Katerina Golunenko; Fashion editor: June; Make-up: Melov Gleb Kosorukov.
Assistant of the photographer: Katerina Golunenko; Fashion editor: June; Make-up: Melov Gleb Kosorukov.
Assistant of the photographer: Katerina Golunenko; Fashion editor: June; Make-up: Melov Gleb Kosorukov.
Assistant of the photographer: Katerina Golunenko; Fashion editor: June; Make-up: Melov

Gleb Kosorukov. Breakdance. Assistant of the photographer: Katerina Golunenko; Fashion editor: June; Make-up: Melov

Gleb Kosorukov. Breakdance. Assistant of the photographer: Katerina Golunenko; Fashion editor: June; Make-up: Melov

Gleb Kosorukov. Breakdance. Assistant of the photographer: Katerina Golunenko; Fashion editor: June; Make-up: Melov

Gleb Kosorukov. Breakdance. Assistant of the photographer: Katerina Golunenko; Fashion editor: June; Make-up: Melov

Moscow, 25.03.2003—11.05.2003

exhibition is over

Petrovsky Passage

Petrovka, 10

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