Double children's portrait. V.Jasvoin's studio, Saint Petersburg. 1900s
Portrait of the girl. L.Perelman's studio. Mogilyov, 1900s
Portrait of the boy. A.Shevjakova-Krasovskaya's studio, Tsaritsyn, 1900s
Unknown author. Zinaida Grigoryevna Morozova with her daughters Maria and Lyuluta. 1900s
P. Levinsky. Group of pupils - pilgrims. Deserts Birljukovskaja, 1900s
Unknown author. Portrait of Maria and Timofei, Savva Timofeevich, Morozov’s kids. The end of the XIX – beginning of the XX centuries. Moscow House of Photography collection
Unknown author. Portrait of the boys in Russian national shirts standing outdoors. 1900-1910. Moscow House of Photography collection
Unknown author. Children. 1903-1910. Moscow House of Photography collection
Unknown author. At a samovar. The beginning of XX century
Unknown author. Portrait of an old lady with the girl. B.Valdovskiy studio. 1910-1915. Moscow House of Photography collection
Unknown author. Poppet is dancing. 1910-е. Moscow House of Photography collection
Unknown author. Portrait of the pupils of the upper school dressed in lace apron. 1914. Moscow House of Photography collection
Unknown author. Group portrait of 2-nd class of Nikolskaya female grammar school.